Our Comprehensive Real Estate Marketing Plan to Sell Your Next Home

Selling a house is a complicated process requiring a lot of effort, time, and marketing. When you’re getting ready to sell your home, you’ll need a good realtor on your side who knows a lot about the industry and has a broad array of marketing skills. The Teton Real Estate Group is more than qualified for such a task. Here’s a close look at the real estate marketing plan the Teton Real Estate Group has created to help you sell your next house with ease and confidence.

Building a strong website

One of the best ways to make your house stand out from the crowd is with a high-performing website. In addition to price and listing information, a good website will help showcase what makes your home unique. The Teton Real Estate Group will help engineer a website for your house that will make it truly shine and drastically increase the odds of it being seen by someone who can feel at home there.

Professional listing photos

Another key strategy to market your home is to take high-quality photographs. With professional help, the Teton Real Estate Group will produce quality listing photos to set your house up for success in even the most crowded markets. When taking a good listing photo, it’s essential to strike the right balance between clutter and decor; you don’t want the house to look too lived-in, but you don’t want it to look barren either. Lighting and angles are also very important things to consider, and these two factors might overwhelm an amateur picture-taker. Professional photographers can spare you the headache and help stage your house just right.

To further ensure your listing photos capture the beauty of your home, you’ll want to update your property’s curb appeal. The Teton Real Estate Group can discuss ways to elevate your property and create a lasting first impression on buyers. 

Spreading the word with an email campaign

Any good real estate marketing plan requires a strong networking element. A well-run email campaign is an excellent way to spread the word about your house. In a heavily competitive field like real estate, a good email can create a direct link with potential buyers that will help your house stand out and stay above the rest of the crowd. By using this strategy, the realtors at the Teton Real Estate Group will be able to share your home directly with people looking to buy. With all the best qualities of your house on display right in the inboxes of potential buyers throughout the area, you can look forward to a considerable increase in interest.

Making your home shine on an MLS

Of course, one of the best ways to get people looking at your home is by putting it up on an MLS. These databases allow your realtor to spread the word about your house with other real estate agents representing clients looking to buy. The Teton Real Estate Group takes this platform seriously and will bring all their years of real estate experience to shape an attractive MLS listing for your home. With a professional eye judging what qualities of your home will best attract potential buyers, a good MLS listing will pay dividends when it’s time to welcome visitors and entertain offers.

BOrganizing a perfect open house

A lot of work goes into planning a good open house. With a capable team like the Teton Real Estate Group on your side, you can look forward to maximizing interest and generating buzz, thus leading to more buyer attendance. A professional can help declutter your home and make it look its best when guests arrive. Your realtor can also help spread the word to locals interested in purchasing and letting the community know your property is for sale. With ample experience in the industry and the area, your real estate expert will also be able to identify the best possible dates and times to host your open house. Different guests will have different schedules, of course, but with enough experience, you can be sure you’re scheduling this important event at the best possible time to ensure maximum foot traffic.

A professional social media campaign

Social media is more important than ever, and an excellent real estate marketing plan will take that into account. With a paid social media ad campaign, your house can be viewed by potential buyers all over the country. The Teton Real Estate Group knows what works and what doesn’t when selling a house, and with a data-backed social media campaign, that expertise can benefit you on a truly immense scale. It only takes one person to buy a home, and with this many eyes on your property, the odds of finding that special buyer increase exponentially.

Getting ready to seal the deal

With a quality real estate market plan, you’ll have a much easier time selling your home. In addition to marketing the house, a good realtor can assist you with the challenging aspects of navigating the market. The financial side of things can get very murky, and it’s extremely difficult to navigate without professional help. When you start receiving offers on your home, the professional advice of your realtor will help you determine which offers to consider and disregard. A quality realtor will be a passionate negotiator on your behalf, ensuring you receive the best terms possible.

Ready to sell?

If you’re ready to get serious about selling your home, reach out to the Teton Real Estate Group. They boast over 22 years of experience in the Teton Valley housing market and can use their expertise and knowledge to help sell your house for the best possible price. With the Teton Real Estate Group at your side, you can be confident you’ve got the help you need. If you’re ready to implement your real estate marketing plan, get in touch today!

Work With Us

Teton Real Estate Group specializes in listing homes and lots in the area as well as helping buyers find the perfect property. To begin your home-hunting process, contact us today!